Special Events | Ages 18+ | Our Location
{"performances":{"43457":{"Id":43457,"Description":"Puppet Slam Pit Stop Weekend","PerfDate":{"date":"2025-04-25 00:00:00.000000","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"-04:00"},"PerfTS":1745622000,"DateTimeString":"April 25, 7:00 PM","InThePast":false,"BeforeToday":false,"ProductionSeason":43456,"generalPrice":300,"memberPrice":275,"generalZonePrices":{"39":300},"memberZonePrices":{"39":275},"seats":20}},"performanceDates":{"43457":1745553600},"reducedPricePerfs":[],"sensoryFriendlyPerfs":[],"soldOutPerfs":null,"firstDate":1745622000,"urlOverride":""}
Create & Workshop with Recycled Materials!
Presented by Beau Brown, Director/Puppeteer, Puckin’ Fuppet Show and Dragon Con Puppetry Track
A weekend–long retreat into puppet slam productivity! Learn puppet slam best practices and develop and workshop your own piece. We will focus on keeping things simple by limiting our materials to cardboard and other recyclables, and by focusing on you as the only puppeteer in your piece to maintain an economy of hands. Stories will be encouraged to show rather than tell, using action to tell the story rather than dialogue.
Friday: 7:00-9:30 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM-6:00 PM
Sunday: 10:00 AM-3:00 PM
*Patrons must attend all 3 days.
LEVEL: Intermediate (some puppetry experience suggested)
About the Presenter

Puppeteer | Producer
Beau Brown
Beau is a puppeteer, producer, host, and has been part of Atlanta’s thriving puppetry community for nearly 3 decades since interning here at the Center for Puppetry Arts in high school. Beau produces and hosts Atlanta’s open mic puppet slam, The Puckin’ Fuppet Show. He created and produces the Puppetry Track at Dragon Con, featuring 50+ hours of puppetry programming including celebrities, performances, workshops, and panels celebrating puppetry in pop culture and introducing convention goers to the art of live puppet theatre. He produces and hosts The National Puppet Slam, featuring the best adult short form puppet theatre from across the country. As a member of the New Puppet Order he has created short puppet films featuring a wide array of puppetry styles and tones. He most recently took a 10 day puppet wood carving workshop in the Czech Republic thanks to a scholarship from the Atlanta Puppetry Guild and performed as a principal puppeteer in Sesame Street: the Musical at the Center for Puppetry Arts. Keep up with what Beau has coming up next at: https://linktr.ee/mrbeaubrown.