A Mystical Evening under the Stars Featuring the Lantern Puppets of Atlanta-based Artist, Chantelle Rytter
ATLANTA (Oct 6, 2021) – On Saturday October 2nd, the Center for Puppetry Arts held its 22nd annual String Fling fundraiser, sponsored by WarnerMedia. The event took place at the historic home of Judy and Ed Garland and was chaired by Board Members, Sydney Langdon and Gigi Rouland. Illuminate the Night was the theme of the event and to do just that, the Center engaged lantern parade artist, Chantelle Rytter, and her Krewe of Grateful Gluttons.
The focus of the event was to honor Vincent Anthony, Founder and Strategic Advisor of the Center for Puppetry Arts. Ms. Garland presented Mr. Anthony with a crystal Luminary Award for lighting the way for more than 40 years at the Center. “There would be no Center for Puppetry Arts without Vince Anthony. It is truly a unique, cultural treasure, and I am thrilled to honor my friend and the man who made it all possible,” said Ms. Garland. Having voted unanimously, the Board of Directors named one of the Center’s two theaters the “Vincent Anthony Founder’s Theater” in his honor.
“The Parliament of Owls and I are honored to share this moment with you, Vince Anthony. Owls see through the dark, a quality of visionaries. You, sir, are a mighty visionary. Your legacy has deeply influenced the cultural character of this city and how it is perceived around the world. You’ve made Atlanta infinitely more loveable. We hope to delight you this evening with a little lantern parade in your honor,” said Rytter.
Following the ceremony, and as night began to fall, Ms. Rytter and her Krewe of Grateful Gluttons transformed the space, lighting the night with a variety of large luminary puppets including dragonflies, owls and cranes. Best known as a founder of the Atlanta Beltline Lantern Parade, Ms. Rytter and her Krewe lead the attendees in a parade procession around the grounds of the Garland home accompanied by the brass band stylings of the Black Sheep Ensemble.
Each guest received an owl luminary to carry in the parade and take home as a memento of the evening. More than 200 guests were in attendance for the the festivities that also included a wine pull and a drawing for a 2-night VIP stay at Chateau Elan.
“When planning, we imagined a night outside filled with celebration and magic. Once Judy and Ed graciously offered their home, we knew the setting would be perfect for highlighting Vince’s legacy, while sharing hope and optimism about the Center’s future for our guests.” said Schiavo.
Chantelle Rytter’s Parade Puppets will be on special exhibition at the Center of Puppetry Arts now through October 31. For more information, visit puppet.org.