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XPT 2025 Individual Application
Individuals can participate in Xperimental Puppetry Theater (XPT) as either Individual Members or Project Directors. Individual Members contribute to existing projects as performers or designers, while Project Directors lead the creation of original puppetry works for adult audiences. Both roles offer collaboration opportunities and skill development. Applications are due by January 6, 2025, leading to a structured development process and public performances in May 2025.

XPT 2025 Director Application
To become a Project Director in the Xperimental Puppetry Theater (XPT), submit your application by January 6, 2025. Directors create original puppetry works for adult audiences, limited to ten minutes. Proposals should include visuals and a summary, and selected directors can receive up to $450 in funding. After notifications on January 13, 2025, directors will follow a structured development process, leading to performances from April 30 to May 4, 2025.

An Educator’s Guide to Pancho Rabbit and the Coyote: A Migrant’s Tale
This educator’s guide was written to support using Pancho Rabbit and the Coyote: A Migrant’s Tale in elementary, middle, and high school classrooms. Produced by the Consortium of Latin American Studies Programs (CLASP) on behalf of the Américas Award, it was written in 2015 by Katrina Dillon, a project assistant at the University of New Mexico. Editorial support was also provided by UNM graduate assistants Lorraine Archibald and Jacob Sandler.