Why Support Center for Puppetry Arts

Your Time, Donations, and Sponsorships Bring Our Puppets to Life

As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, the Center for Puppetry Arts relies on support from generous donors to make our programs possible. Every field trip, every guided tour, every performance, and workshop—everything we do depends on the time and resources you share. Your generosity is so greatly appreciated!

Ways to Support the Center

Make a Donation
As a nonprofit, we rely on donations from individual contributors like you to fund our shows and workshops. Every little bit helps!
Become a Member
By becoming a Center Member, you become a sustaining supporter of our programs, ensuring that they’re around for all to enjoy.
Become a Corporate Sponsor
If your company is interested in sustaining our field trips and community outreach, we welcome you to learn more about corporate sponsorship.
Purchase Wishlist Items
Support the Center for Puppetry Arts by purchasing items from our curated wishlist to help us with our programming needs such as equipment and supplies.

  • Complete the form below or call 404-873-3391 to contact our Ticket Sales Office for this program. You should expect to be contacted by our Ticket Sales Office within 48 hours. Thank you!

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