Special Events | Ages 18+ | Our Location
{"performances":{"43452":{"Id":43452,"Description":"Prototyping Flat Mechs","PerfDate":{"date":"2025-03-25 00:00:00.000000","timezone_type":1,"timezone":"-04:00"},"PerfTS":1742941800,"DateTimeString":"March 25, 6:30 PM","InThePast":false,"BeforeToday":false,"ProductionSeason":43451,"generalPrice":50,"memberPrice":40,"generalZonePrices":{"39":50},"memberZonePrices":{"39":40},"seats":6}},"performanceDates":{"43452":1742875200},"reducedPricePerfs":[],"sensoryFriendlyPerfs":[],"soldOutPerfs":null,"firstDate":1742941800,"urlOverride":""}

Explore Puppetry Mechanics: Quick Mockups Workshop!

Presented by Alex & Olmsted 

Explore the world of mechanisms and their use in puppetry. From shadow puppets to automata, moving components can bring a whole new level of expression to your character. Mechs can seem daunting, but in this workshop we’ll be creating quick mockups using flat materials to test concepts. 

*Please note, that this is a two-day workshop scheduled for March 25-26, from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM each day.

LEVEL: Intermediate to advances |18+


More Explore Puppetry Workshops

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